[Seminar] Dark Tourism: A route to peace and reconciliation?
公開日 2018.10.17
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Tourism can contribute to the achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ―
Center for Tourism Research (CTR), Wakayama University, holds Seminar Series ‘Tourism and SDGs’ throughout 2018 under our mission; contribute to the development of a sound and sustainable society through the advancement of tourism research.
One of the leading scholars in the field of dark tourism studies, Prof. Sharpley will discuss potential and challenges of dark tourism. How does tourism enable to achieve ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’ (Goal 16)?
*This seminar will be conducted in English.
*No registration, no registration fee required.
CTR Seminar Series 2018 - Tourism and SDGs - Vol.6
Dark Tourism: A route to peace and reconciliation?
Currently there are almost twenty armed conflicts around the world that are resulting in more than 1,000 deaths per year, whilst political instability and conflict is evident in many other areas. At the same time, the goal of international peace and justice is being threatened more generally by an increasing incidence of nationalism and right-wing politics whilst, within nations, violent crime and inequality threatens the stability of many nations.
Within this broad context, dark tourism has been suggested as a means of promoting peace and reconciliation following past conflicts. In other words, through the appropriate interpretation and commemoration of past events at ‘dark’ sites, it is claimed that dark tourism may contribute to understanding and reconciliation between those previously involved in or affected by conflict, thereby establishing a foundation for a more sustainable peace.
The purpose of this seminar is to question this claim. More specifically, it first discusses how / why dark tourism might play a reconciliation role before going on to consider the issues that might prevent this or distort the ‘truth’, thereby resulting in ‘dissonance’ between those involved. Drawing on the case study of Rwanda, it then goes to demonstrate that, although significant challenges exist, the potential exists to ‘sow the seeds’ of reconciliation and peace through dark tourism.
Friday, 16 November, 2018
CTR Conference Room 107, Bldg. West 1, Wakayama University
(Sakaedani 930, Wakayama-city)
Prof. Richard Sharpley
(Deputy Director, Center for Tourism Research / Distinguished University Professor, Wakayama University / Professor, University of Central Lancashire)
Center for Tourism Research
Wakayama University
Sakaedani 930, Wakayama-city 640-8510, JAPAN
E-mail: *Click here to the Contact page.