[Conference presentation] Institute for Australian Geographers Conference
公開日 2019.08.07
The Institute for Australian Geographers held the annual conference at University of Tasmania in Australia between 9 and 13 July and Wakayama University’s Prof. Joseph Cheer was in attendance. With Dr. Ben Iaquinto (University of Hong Kong) and Dr. Maartje Roelfsen (Macquarie University, Australia) he convened two panel sessions on (1) Asian Tourism Geographies and (2) Challenging Perceptions of Tourism.
Joseph also presented his latest research on modern slavery in global tourism supply chains and flagged the imminent release of his forthcoming book, Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism to be published by CABI in November 2019. This was led by Prof. Cheer and co-edited with Leigh Mathews (ALTO Global), Dr. Katheryn van Doore (Griffith University, Australia) and Karen Flanagan (Save the Children). He also spoke about his recent work published in the journal Tourism Geographies (Cheer, J. M. (2018). Geographies of marginalization: encountering modern slavery in tourism. Tourism Geographies, 20(4), 728-732. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2018.1477171)
Noted tourism geographer and conference keynote, Prof. Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
◆Institute for Australian Geographers Conference http://www.iagc2019.com/
Conference program